Checking For X11 Header Files In C

Writing Make Files. This means its corresponding.cpp file, plus any header files its.cpp file includes (i.e., include directly or indirectly. The interface of C++ standard library is defined by the following collection of header files.
I am trying to install Shibboleth 2 SP following this guide: I configure and built log4shib successfully, and then I tried to build Xerces-C++ 3.1.1 but it gave me a warning: and i solved this issue without using that option because is not available in 3.1, ' --disable-netaccessor-libcurl' is not listed on: Then I built it whitout get any error o warning. The third step is to install XML-Security-C but when i run:./configure --without-xalan --disable-static --prefix=/opt/shibboleth-sp i get this error: configure: error: unable to find xerces header files I treid to export the path: export PATH=$HOME/opt/shibboleth-sp/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/opt/shibboleth-sp/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export XERCESCROOT=$HOME/opt/shibboleth-sp:$XERCESCROOT and as suggested by @Brian: export CPPFLAGS=$HOME/opt/shibboleth-sp/include export CFLAGS=$HOME/opt/shibboleth-sp/include and trying to install again, but doesn't work. In the folder /opt/shibboleth-sp i have this folders (in /shibboleth-sp i don't have a folder called xercesc but this is inside /include): /bin/ DOMCount (file) SAX2Count (file) SAX2Print (file) etc. /include/ log4shib xercesc dom framework internal parsers sax etc. /lib/ etc. /share/ aclocal I hope someone can help me.
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